Piper Pan Learns to Fly

In The Curse of the Neverland, Piper Pan struggles to learn to fly. Just like Piper,  I’m landing some prize belly-flops in the process of bringing the book to publication. When it came to signing the contract with my local publisher, I “choked.” (Through no fault of hers.) I am in temporary suspended animation as I decide how to proceed. The publication date is no longer this September, but I can can promise you, one way or another, there will be a publication date!

In the meantime, I wanted to capture some more images of my lovely Piper Pan model, Alexi Rampp Taft, before she grows up any more — for covers of book 2 and 3 of the series. I haven’t got all the images yet, Jan and Kay Kepley at ResonanceCards.com still working on them. Will share when I get them. But I have a couple of Alexi and I that are pretty cute.



The author and Piper Pan

The author and Piper Pan


Bruise make-up application

Bruise make-up application

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