Last of the Name

Last of the Name by Roseanne Parry gets two thumbs up from me. Lively, colorful story, terrific historical detail, well-developed characters and relationships, and a swift storytelling pace make for a delightful reading experience. […]

Spring Flowers

April showers have brought spring flowers…


While I’ve been reading, I’ve no special book recommendation to pass to you this week. Instead, I’m sending a taste of spring from my yard. I delight in all the colors and shapes. Yummy, like a good book! A wonderful […]

Magic Moment

Every wonderful story has a magic moment.


Maybe more than one magic moment…

Today, rather than passing on a book recommendation, let me share the magic moment from Peter Pan that has burned brightly for me all these years.


Here’s the scene—I’m sure you’ll remember it:


Authors and Their Stories

As an author, I’m fascinated with where stories come from.


“Where do you get your ideas?”


This is the question you never want to ask at an author talk—it will elicit eye rolling, throat clearing, or a quick change of subject. Nevertheless, I love learning about authors and their stories.

We […]

Why We Need Libraries

You are a reader.

Like me, you love books and believe in their power. Granted, I’m preaching to the choir, but there’s something I want you to read because it will thrill you. Here’s an essay to answer the question: “Why do we need libraries?” It gives words to unarticulated feelings […]

Hidden Figures

I usually stick to book recommendations in this blog—mostly those books of roughly the same genre as my own. But I’m making an exception today by recommending a movie to my fans: Hidden Figures. You’ve got to see it!


The connection to my books is thematic.

Both my books and […]

Artist Date

Footbridge leading to the Museum of Glass

I just took an Artist Date to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma! Nothing like watching creativity to spark more creativity…

Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way (and brilliant related works) coined the term “Artist Date.” She assigned an Artist […]

Creative Tools

What are your Creative Tools?

All of us need help in our creative lives. Sometimes we want more creative flow, sometimes we can’t keep up. What kind of help do you need, and what tools can help?

This week I talked with a friend who has been experiencing a rush of inspiration such […]

Your First Book

Your first book is your first baby. It remains something special. Even if it looks a bit funky to those not in the know!

Today I bring you Time Stoppers, by Carrie Jones. The cover tells me Carrie is a New York Times Best-selling Author—the back flap elaborates: “of the Need series,” Young […]

Creative Genius

Let’s talk about creative genius. What is it, really?

This week I finished reading The Enchantress, by Michael Scott, last in the series: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. (I wrote about the series here, when I read the first book: The Alchemyst.)

Michael Scott knows all about mythology. His masterful knowledge […]